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Financing Options and Providers

Total results: 177


The Annisaa Biashara financing is designed for the lady looking to finance her business.

▲▼Business Eligibility

Duly registered business

Mantaining active account at Gulf African Bank

+ 6 months in operations

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

Bank/Mpesa statement for the last 12 Months

▲▼Max KES 3,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Aquisition of machinery, pick ups and personal vehicles, used trucks and trailers, New trucks and trailers

▲▼Business Eligibility

Registered business

Operational for > 6 months

Account holder

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

Limited Companies - Memorandum & Articles of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Latest annual returns and filing receipts. 

Sole Proprietorship - Certificate of registration

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

To provide the best solutions to businesses to purchase movable assets such as commercial motor vehicles, personal vehicles and motor bikes for bodaboda.

▲▼Business Eligibility

·        Character assessment (Not listed on CRB)

·        Adequate cashflows

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

·        Business Registration Certificate

·        KRA PIN of the company

·        KRA PIN of the individual

·        Copy of your Identity card

▲▼Max KES 20,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Accion Global Investments
Accion Global Investments invests in established financial institutions and innovative financial service providers that leverage technology to support underserved microentrepreneurs, families, and individuals in emerging markets.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Accion Venture Lab
Accion Venture Lab provides capital and extensive support to innovative, scalable fintech startups that improve the reach, quality, and affordability of financial services for the underserved.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Mobile phone–based financial services or business models built on mobile payment platforms;
  • Specialized credit assessment or delivery models (e.g., underwriting/credit scoring approaches, housing, education, small and medium enterprise finance, energy);
  • Online or social media platforms for enabling financial access (e.g., peer-to-peer, social media);
  • Pay-as-you-go, collaborative consumption, and other “embedded” financial service models (e.g., micro-leasing, rent-to-own, modular housing); and
  • New products (e.g., savings, remittances/payments, microinsurance, and credit) for people living in poverty.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 654,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Aceli Africa
Aceli Africa will provide targeted financial incentives to lenders to increase their risk appetite, while facilitating technical assistance to agricultural SMEs (farmer cooperatives and food processors) so that they can qualify for and manage financing
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Invests in companies that 1) provide farmers access to better products that allow them to sustainably increase production and sell more crops, and 2) integrate farmers into global supply chains by enabling them to bypass middlemen and sell their products directly to buyers at fair market value.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Advance Payment Guarantee

This is an instrument issued by Kingdom Bank on behalf of our customer to secure upfront payments to them by third parties for jobs awarded to, but not yet executed by, the contractor or customer.

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Contract document.
  • Must be a Kingdom Bank account holder .
  • The counter-party must be a bank-approved entity and recognized by the bank.

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required


▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
AgDevCo raises debt and equity for commercial investment while also providing technical assistance.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • proven business model (and full business plan and financial operating history for larger investments)
  • strong management team
  • potential for long-term growth
  • potential positive impact on people, economies and the environment
  • And in line with our Investment Policy and Procedures.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agri-Business Development Programme;
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Financing facilities

The Financing Gateway provides you with a free listing of the many financing instruments available for MSMEs. It enables you to filter the instruments that match your needs and click through to the –financing provider’s Internet pages or Contact agent details to find out more and apply.

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