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Financing Options and Providers

Total results: 177


The Annisaa Biashara financing is designed for the lady looking to finance her business.

▲▼Business Eligibility

Duly registered business

Mantaining active account at Gulf African Bank

+ 6 months in operations

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

Bank/Mpesa statement for the last 12 Months

▲▼Max KES 3,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Aquisition of machinery, pick ups and personal vehicles, used trucks and trailers, New trucks and trailers

▲▼Business Eligibility

Registered business

Operational for > 6 months

Account holder

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

Limited Companies - Memorandum & Articles of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Latest annual returns and filing receipts. 

Sole Proprietorship - Certificate of registration

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

To provide the best solutions to businesses to purchase movable assets such as commercial motor vehicles, personal vehicles and motor bikes for bodaboda.

▲▼Business Eligibility

·        Character assessment (Not listed on CRB)

·        Adequate cashflows

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

·        Business Registration Certificate

·        KRA PIN of the company

·        KRA PIN of the individual

·        Copy of your Identity card

▲▼Max KES 20,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Accion Global Investments
Accion Global Investments invests in established financial institutions and innovative financial service providers that leverage technology to support underserved microentrepreneurs, families, and individuals in emerging markets.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Accion Venture Lab
Accion Venture Lab provides capital and extensive support to innovative, scalable fintech startups that improve the reach, quality, and affordability of financial services for the underserved.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Mobile phone–based financial services or business models built on mobile payment platforms;
  • Specialized credit assessment or delivery models (e.g., underwriting/credit scoring approaches, housing, education, small and medium enterprise finance, energy);
  • Online or social media platforms for enabling financial access (e.g., peer-to-peer, social media);
  • Pay-as-you-go, collaborative consumption, and other “embedded” financial service models (e.g., micro-leasing, rent-to-own, modular housing); and
  • New products (e.g., savings, remittances/payments, microinsurance, and credit) for people living in poverty.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 654,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Aceli Africa
Aceli Africa will provide targeted financial incentives to lenders to increase their risk appetite, while facilitating technical assistance to agricultural SMEs (farmer cooperatives and food processors) so that they can qualify for and manage financing
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Invests in companies that 1) provide farmers access to better products that allow them to sustainably increase production and sell more crops, and 2) integrate farmers into global supply chains by enabling them to bypass middlemen and sell their products directly to buyers at fair market value.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Advance Payment Guarantee

This is an instrument issued by Kingdom Bank on behalf of our customer to secure upfront payments to them by third parties for jobs awarded to, but not yet executed by, the contractor or customer.

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Contract document.
  • Must be a Kingdom Bank account holder .
  • The counter-party must be a bank-approved entity and recognized by the bank.

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required


▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
AgDevCo raises debt and equity for commercial investment while also providing technical assistance.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • proven business model (and full business plan and financial operating history for larger investments)
  • strong management team
  • potential for long-term growth
  • potential positive impact on people, economies and the environment
  • And in line with our Investment Policy and Procedures.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agri-Business Development Programme;
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Finances farm inputs for farm crops.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Unsecured up to KES 50,000
  • Easy collateral up to KES 300,000
  • Standard collateral > KES 300,000
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Certificate of registration
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens) / Passport (Non Kenyans) 1 passport size photo
  • Residential address confirmation ( name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation
  • Personal return
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
▲▼Max KES 100,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund
AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund is implemented by Self Help Africa with technical support from Imani Development Limited. The European Union initiative targets 50 Agri –enterprises in 2 windows. NB: Competition window closed on 20th November 2019
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Economic Drivers/Viability: Business model fit and growth prospect (i.e. profit, turnover, cash flow, efficiency and market potential) and the business capacity (i.e. governance, financial and risk management)
  • Social impact: Inclusion of smallholder farmers, pastoralists, job creation, influence on food security and improved nutrition, gender and youth inclusion, and inclusion of arid areas.
  • Environmental impact: Inclusion of climate smart approaches at farm and enterprise level
  • Additionality and level of leverage.
  • A minimum 50% match fund required –own sources or external equity investment
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 100 Billion
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agribusiness Loan
A short to Medium term credit facility to help farmers purchase farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and chemicals, pay for lease of additional agricultural land, buy livestock, meet their harvesting and marketing costs and also finance other social development needs.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Detailed Analysis of the agricultural project including expected revenues and all the cost items e.g. seeds, animal purchases, herbicides, pesticides, harvesting and labour.
  • A comparative analysis of the neighbourhood to establish the kind of farming carried out, expected harvest and suitability of the farming activity the customer is carrying out
  • 12 months bank statement
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycles
  • Documentary evidence of the last three year experience in the line of business
  • Good credit history
  • For limited companies Specific debenture over the asset being purchased
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • KYC documents i.e. directors ID and PIN, Company PIN, MEMART and Certificate of registration
  • Business records
  • Copy of security
  • Land ownership/lease agreements documents
  • Dully completed loan application as per account mandate and appraisal form, resolution to borrow.
  • Current Valuation Report from bank’s authorized valuers is required for used motor vehicles
  • Complete security perfection after the approval.
  • Detailed call report including photos and sketch maps
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agribusiness Loans
Financing farmers to acquire high breed livestock, as well as farming in horticulture, banana, fruits, oil seeds and floriculture.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agribusiness/Agro dealer loans
Loans given to clients who trade for agricultural inputs and produce like farmers, agro dealers, commodity traders and processors for their day to day operations.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agricultural Asset Financing
Financing for acquisition of agricultural farm machineries, equipments and implements like tractors, milking machines, chuff cutters etc and motor vehicles used in the agricultural value chains.
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Agribusiness
Loans designed to provide start-up capital for those seeking to start, or are engaged in agricultural microenterprises. Specifically, the product targets marketers and processors farm produce, traders, transporters, marketers and processors farm produce.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Open to individual borrowers and groups
  • Viability of the business
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • 20 % equity contribution towards the project.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Cash Crop
The credit facility for cash production of tea, coffee, Sugarcane, pyrethrum, cashew nuts, citrus, mango trees, bananas, stevia and other cash crops. The facility finances crop establishment, crop maintenance, processing equipment, and operating costs.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • Appropriate and approved crop varieties
  • Availability of processing facilities within reasonable distances.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Horticulture & floriculture development loan
These are loans to finance horticultural and Floricultural projects covering Fruits, vegetables and flowers; green houses and related equipment; water and electricity supply systems; harvesting and packaging equipment; labour and other operational costs; and working capital
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Relevant experience in floriculture & horticulture
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Adequate water supply
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Alterfin-Guarantee Fund

Alterfin extends funding to microfinance institutions and to associations of smallholder farmers or companies.

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Gross Loan Portfolio > USD 1,000,000
  • Broad outreach: minimum 1000 clients or members
  • Deep outreach: oriented towards poorer sections of society: rural, agricultural, women
  • PAR 30 days + restructured + write-off < 10%
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 80% and positive trend
  • Leverage < = 5
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 165,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Alterfin-smallholder farmer organisations

Extends financing to smallholder farmers' organizations.

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Benefits for smallholder farmers should be demonstrated (e.g. by fairtrade label)
  • Minimum number of farmers benefiting: 150
  • Minimum yearly sales > USD 500,000
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 90% and a positive trend
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Purchase orders
  • Physical asset collateral
▲▼Max KES 165,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

• Copies of identification documents, that is, Memorandum & Articles of Association as well as Certificate of Incorporation (for registered companies)

• Business Registration Certificate

• Identity cards for borrowers who do not have registered businesses 

• Identity cards for directors of registered companies and registered businesses

• Bank statements for 6 months

• Audited accounts for loans above Ksh 10 million

• Resolution to borrow (for registered companies) and details of business location

• Invoices and/or importation documents

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance
Acquisition of moveable assets, such as, motor vehicles, pick ups, buses and lorries. Other assets include: tractors, heavy earth moving equipment, machinery and motor cycles.
▲▼Business Eligibility
• Minimum own contribution of 20% of cost of asset • Minimum monthly income of Kes.10,000 • Comprehensive insurance for vehicles/equipment for the period of finance
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
• Bank statements for a period of 6 months • Pro-forma invoice from dealer/ seller • Copies of logbooks for other motor vehicles owned by the applicant • Recent AA/Regent Automobiles valuers and assessors valuation (used vehicles) • Copy of logbook (used vehicles) • Sale agreement
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance

The facility supports SMEs and Individuals acquire assets such as Personal cars, trucks, trailers, plant machinery etc. with affordable Insurance premium financing

▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance

Bank of Africa will scale up your status and business by enabling you acquire new and used movable assets at the best negotiated rates. Our desire is to see you achieve your ambitions.

Variety made closer with BOA Asset Finance, assures our customers that we are there to walk the journey with them. We not only offer them a wide selection of options, but guarantee that we will bring their dreams closer by having a fast turn around time. And on top of it all Loan amount, Processing fee, life and comprehensive insurance to be financed as one loan

▲▼Business Eligibility

  • Registration bsiness
  • Business permit

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • National Identity card
  • KRA PIN Certificate
  • Individual insurance form
  • Registration certificate (if it is a sole proprietorship)
  • 12 month’s account statement certified
  • Copies of current contracts
  • Proforma invoice/Sale agreement
  • Logbook copy/import document
  • Detailed company profile
  • Business permit

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Finance Loan
Financing people to purchase assets
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Kenyan Citizen
  • Age 18+ years
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 3,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Financing

Whether the opportunities be in construction, transport, manufacturing, quarrying, printing, processing or material handling; we have you covered.

▲▼Business Eligibility

Must be an account holder having operated an account for more than 6 months.

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Memorandum & Article of Association
  • Resolution from the Board of Directors to open an account and identification of those who have authority to operate the account
  • Copy of the KRA pin certificate of the company
  • Business permit
  • Certificate of trading for public ltd companies/where applicable
  • ID or passport for directors & signatories
  • Introduction from existing customer /RM/BM /certification by the marketing staff
  • Download Non-Individual Account Opening form

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset Financing Loan
Financing for both existing and new clients to acquire tangible asset for business efficiency and commercial use. Assets to be funded include motor vehicles, motor bikes, plant and machinery, tractors, specialized equipment, office equipment, contractor equipment, water pipes etc.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • At least 10% co-investment
  • 2 guarantors
  • Collaterals
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Asset financing loan

Financing to help businesses purchase of land, motor vehicles, Trucks, Buses, Pickups, Taxis.  

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Minimum own contribution of up to 20% for new vehicles and 50% for land
  • Individuals qualify based on ability to service the loan.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Filled in U&I Loan application form
  • Copy of national ID card
  • U&I Bank statements
  • Passport photo
  • KRA pin copy
  • Profoma Invoice from the seller
  • Valuation report from a valuer
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Capital Expenditure/ Operating Expense

▲▼Business Eligibility
  1. Customer needs to be in profitability
  2. Security acceptable by the Bank
  3. Customer need not to be listed on CRB list
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  1. 3 Yrs Audited Financials
  2. Management Account for the Current Year
  3. 6 Months Bank Statement
  4. Business Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporation
  5. Company & Directors' KRA PIN
  6. Directors' ID Copies
  7. CR12
▲▼Max KES 500,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Beba Leo - Asset Finance

Under the Beba Leo scheme, SME clients can buy brand new vehicles as per below pre-approved brands  with 100% financing from DTB.

▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Registration form duly completed
  • National identity card/passport – original and copy
  • KRA Pin certificate
  • 3 month’s payslip (if employed)

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Biashara Loan

This is a short to medium term loan granted to customers to finance Expansion and the growth of their business i.e. working capital and business expansion

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • KYC documents i.e. directors ID and PIN, Company PIN, MEMART and certificate of registration
  • Business records
  • Copy of security
  • Dully completed loan application as per account mandate and appraisal form, resolution to borrow.
  • Current Valuation Report from bank’s authorized valuers is required for used motor vehicles
  • Complete security perfection after the approval.
  • Detailed call report including photos and sketch maps

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • 12 months bank statement with Maximum EMI(Equated Monthly instalment) of 30% of MACAT(monthly Average Credit Account Turnovers)
  • Provide documentary evidence of at least three year experience in the line of business
  • For limited companies Specific debenture over the asset being purchased

▲▼Max KES 10,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Biashara Plus
A credit facility for small and micro-enterprise owners.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Have a business not less than a year old
  • Business should have regular cash flow
  • Business license of the current year where applicable
  • Open an account with Co-operative Bank
  • Statements of accounts from other banks if your Co-op Bank account is less than 6 months old
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 2,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Bid Bonds

It is issued to guarantee that the bidder will undertake the contract under the terms at which they bid in the event they win the tender

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Must have undertaken a similar contract.
  • The Tender must be in line with the Customer's business
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Guarantee application Form
  • Pin, ID copies for the applicant ( Where client is not banked )
  • Certificate of Incorporation (Where client is not banked )
  • Contract/Tender documents
  • Format of Guarantee (where applicable).
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Digital loans directly to the borrowers mobile money account.

▲▼Business Eligibility
  • The loan process is designed to allow the borrower to build credit with Branch and unlock larger loan amounts.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 70,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Business loans

To provide small and micro business owners with working capital.

▲▼Business Eligibility

.Clean CRB report.

.Borrower must Bank at Rafiki for at least 6 months if previously unbanked or 3 months if banking in another institution.

. Borrower to have previous borrowing history if banking in another institution.

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

. Dully filled application form.

.National ID and PIN of borrower or all Directors if it’s a company borrowing. (Originals and copies).

. Certified 6 months bank statements.

.Certificate of registration for business/Certificate of incorporation for companies.(original and copy)

.Memorandum and articles of association. (original and copy)

. CRB report

.Audited financial statements or management accounts for Companies

. Borrower’s business records.

. Sketch map of the residence and business premises of the borrower

. Utility bills

▲▼Max KES 300,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Business term Loan

A term loan is a flexible financing option offered by HFC that can be tailored to your specific business needs for a period less than 60 months (5 years). It can be a short term loan or a long term loan.

▲▼Business Eligibility

Must have been in business operations for at least 3 years

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

  • Application form duly completed                     
  • Board of Directors resolution to open accounts                   
  • Certificate of incorporation/Registration    
  • Company PIN & VAT          
  • ID & PIN copies of all directors
  • Copy of Annual Returns/CR 12
  • Utility Bill                    
  • Proposal for borrowing indicating amount being borrowed, Purpose, type of facility required, proposed repayment period and any other relevant information  
  • Audited accounts for the last three years
  • Current management accounts
  • Cash flow projections for the next five years

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Facility to facilitate construction of residential or commercial properties

▲▼Business Eligibility

Duly registered business

+ 6 months in operations

Hold an active account with GAB

▲▼Minimum Documentation Required

Business registration certificate

Certified/original bank statements for the last 2 years

Copy of ID/Passport

Certificate of the official title search

Copy of title of the property

▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Challenge Funds
Unlocking private financing in Agricultural lending
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Innovative ideas that stimulate and/or enrich/contribute to next generation approaches in growing Africa’s Agriculture
  • Models that seek to scale new, in-demand publicly-bred varieties of food crops (climate-smart and nutrition focus will be considered an advantage.
  • Crops must go beyond hybrid maize.
  • Ability to leverage partnerships that increase the availability of other key inputs necessary for maximizing the benefits of improved seed varieties including farmers’ access to appropriate finance, extension services, technologies and output markets.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Max KES 165,000,000
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Clean Energy Loans
Targets customers seeking financing for eco-friendly products, such as bio gas plant, modern cooking stoves, LPG, digital TVs, solar batteries, solar lamps, solar panels, solar TVs, solar water pumps and water purifiers that use energy generated from natural resources which are renewable (naturally replenished).
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commercial Agriculture Loan
This loan targets medium and large-scale farmers dealing in any aspect of farming, from large-scale agricultural based foundations to medium and large-scale agricultural traders and processors. To finance bulk purchase of farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer, and chemicals), lease payment, purchase agricultural land, borehole sinking, livestock purchase, biogas plant construction, and farm houses.
▲▼Business Eligibility
  • Active Equity Bank account holder.
  • Demonstrate loan repayment ability.
  • One-year experience in commercial farming or one successful production cycle.
  • Demonstrate the existence of other sources of income that could be used in repayment of the loan in case of crop failure, loss of harvest and/or poor marketing due to adverse weather and/or any other factors.
  • Provide documentary evidence of farm ownership to be used for production or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • The farming project to be financed must be within a radius of 50km from the Bank branch and easily accessible to the Bank officials.
  • Provide conventional security to cover the loan.
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
  • Equity Bank account statement.
  • Farm ownership title or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • Conventional security documents e.g. Title, log books etc.
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Bulk Acquisition of Farm Inputs (BAFI)
Medium term loan targeting Cooperative societies to improve quality and quantity of coffee produced through organized and purchase of inputs in bulk at 5% reducing balance interest rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Cherry Advance (CHADV)
Short term loan to finance picking of cherry (Labour), Processing of cherry, Transport of cherry at a 5% reducing balance interest rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Coffee Advances (ADV)
Short term loan to finance primary production/ processing of crops at 10% reducing balance interest rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Coffee Establishment Loan (CEL)
Long term loan for producers who want to establish new crops or change season, as well as increase acreage at 10% reducing balance rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Coffee Machinery and Equipment Loan (CMEL)
Long term loan to facilitate borrowers to acquire machinery and equipment at 10% reducing balance rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Extended Advance (EXADV)
Medium term loan to finance producers in need of rehabilitating their crop by purchasing farm inputs, financing farm operations such as labour and transport at 10% reducing balance interest rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)
Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Infrastructure Loans
Long term loan facility meant to assist producers undertake critical construction works at 10% reducing balance rate
▲▼Business Eligibility
▲▼Minimum Documentation Required
▲▼Collection / Repayment (months)

Financing facilities

The Financing Gateway provides you with a free listing of the many financing instruments available for MSMEs. It enables you to filter the instruments that match your needs and click through to the –financing provider’s Internet pages or Contact agent details to find out more and apply.

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