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Options et fournisseurs de financement

Total results: 130

Nom de l'installation Sort fournisseur objectif Maximum Sort Admissibilité de l'entreprise Documentation minimale requise Collecte / Remboursement (mois) Sort
Access Bank (Kenya) Plc
Finances farm inputs for farm crops.
3 345 517 UGX
  • Unsecured up to KES 50,000
  • Easy collateral up to KES 300,000
  • Standard collateral > KES 300,000
  • Relevés bancaires pour une période de 6 mois
  • Certificate of registration
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens) / Passport (Non Kenyans) 1 passport size photo
  • Residential address confirmation ( name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation
  • Personal return
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
Bank of Africa
A short to Medium term credit facility to help farmers purchase farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and chemicals, pay for lease of additional agricultural land, buy livestock, meet their harvesting and marketing costs and also finance other social development needs.
  • Detailed Analysis of the agricultural project including expected revenues and all the cost items e.g. seeds, animal purchases, herbicides, pesticides, harvesting and labour.
  • A comparative analysis of the neighbourhood to establish the kind of farming carried out, expected harvest and suitability of the farming activity the customer is carrying out
  • 12 months bank statement
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycles
  • Documentary evidence of the last three year experience in the line of business
  • Good credit history
  • For limited companies Specific debenture over the asset being purchased
  • KYC documents i.e. directors ID and PIN, Company PIN, MEMART and Certificate of registration
  • Business records
  • Copy of security
  • Land ownership/lease agreements documents
  • Dully completed loan application as per account mandate and appraisal form, resolution to borrow.
  • Current Valuation Report from bank’s authorized valuers is required for used motor vehicles
  • Complete security perfection after the approval.
  • Detailed call report including photos and sketch maps
Alterfin -Guarantee Fund

Alterfin extends funding to microfinance institutions and to associations of smallholder farmers or companies.

6 UGX Billion
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Gross Loan Portfolio > USD 1,000,000
  • Broad outreach: minimum 1000 clients or members
  • Deep outreach: oriented towards poorer sections of society: rural, agricultural, women
  • PAR 30 days + restructured + write-off < 10%
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 80% and positive trend
  • Leverage < = 5
Favourite Alterfin-smallholder farmer organisations
Alterfin -smallholder farmer organisations

Extends financing to smallholder farmers' organizations.

6 UGX Billion
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Benefits for smallholder farmers should be demonstrated (e.g. by fairtrade label)
  • Minimum number of farmers benefiting: 150
  • Minimum yearly sales > USD 500,000
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 90% and a positive trend
  • Purchase orders
  • Physical asset collateral
Cooperative Bank of Kenya

To finance the purchase of a movable asset for the business

Showcase ability to service loan

  • Copy of KRA PIN certificate

• Copies of identification documents, that is, Memorandum & Articles of Association as well as Certificate of Incorporation (for registered companies)

• Business Registration Certificate

• Identity cards for borrowers who do not have registered businesses 

• Identity cards for directors of registered companies and registered businesses

• Bank statements for 6 months

• Audited accounts for loans above Ksh 10 million

• Resolution to borrow (for registered companies) and details of business location

• Invoices and/or importation documents

Musoni Microfinance Ltd
Financing people to purchase assets
100 365 516 UGX
  • Kenyan Citizen
  • Age 18+ years
  • Copie de la carte nationale d'identité
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank
Financing for both existing and new clients to acquire tangible asset for business efficiency and commercial use. Assets to be funded include motor vehicles, motor bikes, plant and machinery, tractors, specialized equipment, office equipment, contractor equipment, water pipes etc.
  • At least 10% co-investment
  • 2 guarantors
  • Collaterals
  • Copie de la carte nationale d'identité

KRA Certificate

U & I Microfinance Bank

Financing to help businesses purchase of land, motor vehicles, Trucks, Buses, Pickups, Taxis.  

  • Minimum own contribution of up to 20% for new vehicles and 50% for land
  • Individuals qualify based on ability to service the loan.
  • Filled in U&I Loan application form
  • Copy of national ID card
  • U&I Bank statements
  • Passport photo
  • KRA pin copy
  • Profoma Invoice from the seller
  • Valuation report from a valuer
Favourite Commercial Agriculture Loan
This loan targets medium and large-scale farmers dealing in any aspect of farming, from large-scale agricultural based foundations to medium and large-scale agricultural traders and processors. To finance bulk purchase of farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer, and chemicals), lease payment, purchase agricultural land, borehole sinking, livestock purchase, biogas plant construction, and farm houses.
  • Active Equity Bank account holder.
  • Demonstrate loan repayment ability.
  • One-year experience in commercial farming or one successful production cycle.
  • Demonstrate the existence of other sources of income that could be used in repayment of the loan in case of crop failure, loss of harvest and/or poor marketing due to adverse weather and/or any other factors.
  • Provide documentary evidence of farm ownership to be used for production or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • The farming project to be financed must be within a radius of 50km from the Bank branch and easily accessible to the Bank officials.
  • Provide conventional security to cover the loan.
  • Equity Bank account statement.
  • Farm ownership title or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • Conventional security documents e.g. Title, log books etc.
Kenya Industrial Estates
KIE provides affordable medium to long-term finance to MSMIs for the purchase of machinery, equipment and working capital, either for start-ups, expansion, modernization or rehabilitation focusing on priority sectors identified in Vision 2030.
468 372 408 UGX
  • It should be either be a manufacturing business or a service business.
  • It should be either be a manufacturing business or a service business.
  • It should employ at least 5 people • It should be running for at least 2 years to qualify as a working capital loan.
  • Copy of KRA PIN certificate
  • The applicant will be required to provide the following documents
  • Photographs and sketch-map of business location
  • Landed security to cover a minimum of 140% value of the loan requested.
  • Valuation report from a registered land valuer. This will be verified by KIE officers.
  • An original certificate of Official Search from land registry
  • Two credible guarantors
  • Current trading license
  • Current bank statements
  • Copy of PIN certificate of applicant and guarantors

Financing facilities

La passerelle de financement vous fournit une liste gratuite des nombreux instruments de financement disponibles pour les MSME. Il vous permet de filtrer les instruments qui correspondent à vos besoins et de cliquer sur les pages Internet du fournisseur de financement ou les coordonnées de l'agent de contact pour en savoir plus et postuler.

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