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Options et fournisseurs de financement

Total results: 177

Accion Global Investments
Accion Global Investments invests in established financial institutions and innovative financial service providers that leverage technology to support underserved microentrepreneurs, families, and individuals in emerging markets.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Accion Venture Lab
Accion Venture Lab provides capital and extensive support to innovative, scalable fintech startups that improve the reach, quality, and affordability of financial services for the underserved.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Mobile phone–based financial services or business models built on mobile payment platforms;
  • Specialized credit assessment or delivery models (e.g., underwriting/credit scoring approaches, housing, education, small and medium enterprise finance, energy);
  • Online or social media platforms for enabling financial access (e.g., peer-to-peer, social media);
  • Pay-as-you-go, collaborative consumption, and other “embedded” financial service models (e.g., micro-leasing, rent-to-own, modular housing); and
  • New products (e.g., savings, remittances/payments, microinsurance, and credit) for people living in poverty.
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Maximum 654 000 000 KES
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Aceli Africa
Aceli Africa will provide targeted financial incentives to lenders to increase their risk appetite, while facilitating technical assistance to agricultural SMEs (farmer cooperatives and food processors) so that they can qualify for and manage financing
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Invests in companies that 1) provide farmers access to better products that allow them to sustainably increase production and sell more crops, and 2) integrate farmers into global supply chains by enabling them to bypass middlemen and sell their products directly to buyers at fair market value.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
AgDevCo raises debt and equity for commercial investment while also providing technical assistance.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • proven business model (and full business plan and financial operating history for larger investments)
  • strong management team
  • potential for long-term growth
  • potential positive impact on people, economies and the environment
  • And in line with our Investment Policy and Procedures.
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agri-Business Development Programme;
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Finances farm inputs for farm crops.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Unsecured up to KES 50,000
  • Easy collateral up to KES 300,000
  • Standard collateral > KES 300,000
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
  • Certificate of registration
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens) / Passport (Non Kenyans) 1 passport size photo
  • Residential address confirmation ( name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation
  • Personal return
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
▲▼Maximum 100 000 KES
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund
AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund is implemented by Self Help Africa with technical support from Imani Development Limited. The European Union initiative targets 50 Agri –enterprises in 2 windows. NB: Competition window closed on 20th November 2019
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Economic Drivers/Viability: Business model fit and growth prospect (i.e. profit, turnover, cash flow, efficiency and market potential) and the business capacity (i.e. governance, financial and risk management)
  • Social impact: Inclusion of smallholder farmers, pastoralists, job creation, influence on food security and improved nutrition, gender and youth inclusion, and inclusion of arid areas.
  • Environmental impact: Inclusion of climate smart approaches at farm and enterprise level
  • Additionality and level of leverage.
  • A minimum 50% match fund required –own sources or external equity investment
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Maximum 100 KES Billion
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agribusiness Loan
A short to Medium term credit facility to help farmers purchase farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and chemicals, pay for lease of additional agricultural land, buy livestock, meet their harvesting and marketing costs and also finance other social development needs.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Detailed Analysis of the agricultural project including expected revenues and all the cost items e.g. seeds, animal purchases, herbicides, pesticides, harvesting and labour.
  • A comparative analysis of the neighbourhood to establish the kind of farming carried out, expected harvest and suitability of the farming activity the customer is carrying out
  • 12 months bank statement
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycles
  • Documentary evidence of the last three year experience in the line of business
  • Good credit history
  • For limited companies Specific debenture over the asset being purchased
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
  • KYC documents i.e. directors ID and PIN, Company PIN, MEMART and Certificate of registration
  • Business records
  • Copy of security
  • Land ownership/lease agreements documents
  • Dully completed loan application as per account mandate and appraisal form, resolution to borrow.
  • Current Valuation Report from bank’s authorized valuers is required for used motor vehicles
  • Complete security perfection after the approval.
  • Detailed call report including photos and sketch maps
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agribusiness Loans
Financing farmers to acquire high breed livestock, as well as farming in horticulture, banana, fruits, oil seeds and floriculture.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agribusiness/Agro dealer loans
Loans given to clients who trade for agricultural inputs and produce like farmers, agro dealers, commodity traders and processors for their day to day operations.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agricultural Asset Financing
Financing for acquisition of agricultural farm machineries, equipments and implements like tractors, milking machines, chuff cutters etc and motor vehicles used in the agricultural value chains.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Agribusiness
Loans designed to provide start-up capital for those seeking to start, or are engaged in agricultural microenterprises. Specifically, the product targets marketers and processors farm produce, traders, transporters, marketers and processors farm produce.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Open to individual borrowers and groups
  • Viability of the business
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • 20 % equity contribution towards the project.
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Cash Crop
The credit facility for cash production of tea, coffee, Sugarcane, pyrethrum, cashew nuts, citrus, mango trees, bananas, stevia and other cash crops. The facility finances crop establishment, crop maintenance, processing equipment, and operating costs.
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • Appropriate and approved crop varieties
  • Availability of processing facilities within reasonable distances.
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Agriculture Finance Corporation -Horticulture & floriculture development loan
These are loans to finance horticultural and Floricultural projects covering Fruits, vegetables and flowers; green houses and related equipment; water and electricity supply systems; harvesting and packaging equipment; labour and other operational costs; and working capital
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Relevant experience in floriculture & horticulture
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Adequate water supply
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Alterfin-Guarantee Fund

Alterfin extends funding to microfinance institutions and to associations of smallholder farmers or companies.

▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Gross Loan Portfolio > USD 1,000,000
  • Broad outreach: minimum 1000 clients or members
  • Deep outreach: oriented towards poorer sections of society: rural, agricultural, women
  • PAR 30 days + restructured + write-off < 10%
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 80% and positive trend
  • Leverage < = 5
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Maximum 165 000 000 KES
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Alterfin-smallholder farmer organisations

Extends financing to smallholder farmers' organizations.

▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Benefits for smallholder farmers should be demonstrated (e.g. by fairtrade label)
  • Minimum number of farmers benefiting: 150
  • Minimum yearly sales > USD 500,000
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 90% and a positive trend
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
  • Purchase orders
  • Physical asset collateral
▲▼Maximum 165 000 000 KES
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Asset Finance
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise
▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)
Asset Finance
▲▼Admissibilité de l'entreprise
▲▼Documentation minimale requise

• Copies of identification documents, that is, Memorandum & Articles of Association as well as Certificate of Incorporation (for registered companies)

• Business Registration Certificate

• Identity cards for borrowers who do not have registered businesses 

• Identity cards for directors of registered companies and registered businesses

• Bank statements for 6 months

• Audited accounts for loans above Ksh 10 million

• Resolution to borrow (for registered companies) and details of business location

• Invoices and/or importation documents

▲▼Collecte / Remboursement (mois)

Financing facilities

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