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Options et fournisseurs de financement

Total results: 186

Nom de l'installation Sort fournisseur objectif Maximum Sort Admissibilité de l'entreprise Documentation minimale requise Collecte / Remboursement (mois) Sort
Access Bank (Kenya) Plc
Finances farm inputs for farm crops.
100 000 KES
  • Unsecured up to KES 50,000
  • Easy collateral up to KES 300,000
  • Standard collateral > KES 300,000
  • Certificate of registration
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens) / Passport (Non Kenyans) 1 passport size photo
  • Residential address confirmation ( name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation
  • Personal return
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
Government Development Finance Initiative
AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund is implemented by Self Help Africa with technical support from Imani Development Limited. The European Union initiative targets 50 Agri –enterprises in 2 windows. NB: Competition window closed on 20th November 2019
100 KES Billion
  • Economic Drivers/Viability: Business model fit and growth prospect (i.e. profit, turnover, cash flow, efficiency and market potential) and the business capacity (i.e. governance, financial and risk management)
  • Social impact: Inclusion of smallholder farmers, pastoralists, job creation, influence on food security and improved nutrition, gender and youth inclusion, and inclusion of arid areas.
  • Environmental impact: Inclusion of climate smart approaches at farm and enterprise level
  • Additionality and level of leverage.
  • A minimum 50% match fund required –own sources or external equity investment
Bank of Africa
A short to Medium term credit facility to help farmers purchase farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and chemicals, pay for lease of additional agricultural land, buy livestock, meet their harvesting and marketing costs and also finance other social development needs.
  • Detailed Analysis of the agricultural project including expected revenues and all the cost items e.g. seeds, animal purchases, herbicides, pesticides, harvesting and labour.
  • A comparative analysis of the neighbourhood to establish the kind of farming carried out, expected harvest and suitability of the farming activity the customer is carrying out
  • 12 months bank statement
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycles
  • Documentary evidence of the last three year experience in the line of business
  • Good credit history
  • For limited companies Specific debenture over the asset being purchased
  • KYC documents i.e. directors ID and PIN, Company PIN, MEMART and Certificate of registration
  • Business records
  • Copy of security
  • Land ownership/lease agreements documents
  • Dully completed loan application as per account mandate and appraisal form, resolution to borrow.
  • Current Valuation Report from bank’s authorized valuers is required for used motor vehicles
  • Complete security perfection after the approval.
  • Detailed call report including photos and sketch maps
Favourite Agriculture Finance Corporation -Agribusiness
Government Development Finance Initiative
Loans designed to provide start-up capital for those seeking to start, or are engaged in agricultural microenterprises. Specifically, the product targets marketers and processors farm produce, traders, transporters, marketers and processors farm produce.
  • Open to individual borrowers and groups
  • Viability of the business
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • 20 % equity contribution towards the project.
Favourite Agriculture Finance Corporation -Cash Crop
Government Development Finance Initiative
The credit facility for cash production of tea, coffee, Sugarcane, pyrethrum, cashew nuts, citrus, mango trees, bananas, stevia and other cash crops. The facility finances crop establishment, crop maintenance, processing equipment, and operating costs.
  • Tangible security for the loan
  • Appropriate and approved crop varieties
  • Availability of processing facilities within reasonable distances.
Favourite Agriculture Finance Corporation -Horticulture & floriculture development loan
Government Development Finance Initiative
These are loans to finance horticultural and Floricultural projects covering Fruits, vegetables and flowers; green houses and related equipment; water and electricity supply systems; harvesting and packaging equipment; labour and other operational costs; and working capital
  • Relevant experience in floriculture & horticulture
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Adequate water supply
Alterfin -Guarantee Fund

Alterfin extends funding to microfinance institutions and to associations of smallholder farmers or companies.

165 000 000 KES
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Gross Loan Portfolio > USD 1,000,000
  • Broad outreach: minimum 1000 clients or members
  • Deep outreach: oriented towards poorer sections of society: rural, agricultural, women
  • PAR 30 days + restructured + write-off < 10%
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 80% and positive trend
  • Leverage < = 5
Favourite Alterfin-smallholder farmer organisations
Alterfin -smallholder farmer organisations

Extends financing to smallholder farmers' organizations.

165 000 000 KES
  • Number of years of operation > 2
  • Benefits for smallholder farmers should be demonstrated (e.g. by fairtrade label)
  • Minimum number of farmers benefiting: 150
  • Minimum yearly sales > USD 500,000
  • Operational Self Sufficiency > 90% and a positive trend
  • Purchase orders
  • Physical asset collateral
Faulu Microfinance Bank Limited

The facility supports SMEs and Individuals acquire assets such as Personal cars, trucks, trailers, plant machinery etc. with affordable Insurance premium financing

Favourite Asset Finance Loan
Musoni Microfinance Ltd
Financing people to purchase assets
3 000 000 KES
  • Kenyan Citizen
  • Age 18+ years
Favourite Asset Financing Loan
Visit Website visiter le site web Location Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya Get a call back
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank
Financing for both existing and new clients to acquire tangible asset for business efficiency and commercial use. Assets to be funded include motor vehicles, motor bikes, plant and machinery, tractors, specialized equipment, office equipment, contractor equipment, water pipes etc.
  • At least 10% co-investment
  • 2 guarantors
  • Collaterals
U & I Microfinance Bank

Financing to help businesses purchase of land, motor vehicles, Trucks, Buses, Pickups, Taxis.  

  • Minimum own contribution of up to 20% for new vehicles and 50% for land
  • Individuals qualify based on ability to service the loan.
  • Filled in U&I Loan application form
  • Copy of national ID card
  • U&I Bank statements
  • Passport photo
  • KRA pin copy
  • Profoma Invoice from the seller
  • Valuation report from a valuer
Cooperative Bank of Kenya
A credit facility for small and micro-enterprise owners.
2 000 000 KES
  • Have a business not less than a year old
  • Business should have regular cash flow
  • Business license of the current year where applicable
  • Open an account with Co-operative Bank
  • Statements of accounts from other banks if your Co-op Bank account is less than 6 months old
Favourite Challenge Funds
Visit Website visiter le site web Location Off Muthangari Drive / Waiyaki Way CALL +254 703 033 394 MAIL P.O. Box 1996 Westlands 00606, Kenya Get a call back
Agriculture Enterprise Challenge Fund
Unlocking private financing in Agricultural lending
165 000 000 KES
  • Innovative ideas that stimulate and/or enrich/contribute to next generation approaches in growing Africa’s Agriculture
  • Models that seek to scale new, in-demand publicly-bred varieties of food crops (climate-smart and nutrition focus will be considered an advantage.
  • Crops must go beyond hybrid maize.
  • Ability to leverage partnerships that increase the availability of other key inputs necessary for maximizing the benefits of improved seed varieties including farmers’ access to appropriate finance, extension services, technologies and output markets.
Favourite Commercial Agriculture Loan
This loan targets medium and large-scale farmers dealing in any aspect of farming, from large-scale agricultural based foundations to medium and large-scale agricultural traders and processors. To finance bulk purchase of farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer, and chemicals), lease payment, purchase agricultural land, borehole sinking, livestock purchase, biogas plant construction, and farm houses.
  • Active Equity Bank account holder.
  • Demonstrate loan repayment ability.
  • One-year experience in commercial farming or one successful production cycle.
  • Demonstrate the existence of other sources of income that could be used in repayment of the loan in case of crop failure, loss of harvest and/or poor marketing due to adverse weather and/or any other factors.
  • Provide documentary evidence of farm ownership to be used for production or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • The farming project to be financed must be within a radius of 50km from the Bank branch and easily accessible to the Bank officials.
  • Provide conventional security to cover the loan.
  • Equity Bank account statement.
  • Farm ownership title or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future production cycles.
  • Conventional security documents e.g. Title, log books etc.
Favourite Commodities Fund -Coffee Loans -Bulk Acquisition of Farm Inputs (BAFI)
Government Development Finance Initiative
Medium term loan targeting Cooperative societies to improve quality and quantity of coffee produced through organized and purchase of inputs in bulk at 5% reducing balance interest rate
Favourite Credit Facilities
Kenya Industrial Estates
KIE provides affordable medium to long-term finance to MSMIs for the purchase of machinery, equipment and working capital, either for start-ups, expansion, modernization or rehabilitation focusing on priority sectors identified in Vision 2030.
14 000 000 KES
  • It should be either be a manufacturing business or a service business.
  • It should be either be a manufacturing business or a service business.
  • It should employ at least 5 people • It should be running for at least 2 years to qualify as a working capital loan.
  • The applicant will be required to provide the following documents
  • Photographs and sketch-map of business location
  • Landed security to cover a minimum of 140% value of the loan requested.
  • Valuation report from a registered land valuer. This will be verified by KIE officers.
  • An original certificate of Official Search from land registry
  • Two credible guarantors
  • Current trading license
  • Current bank statements
  • Copy of PIN certificate of applicant and guarantors
Start-ups in regular positive cash flow Other
Cultural aspects & due diligence
Favourite Development Finance
Greenland Fedha Limited (GFL)
Finance the purchase of productive assets, facilitating lease payments, equipment, livestock, green houses, and irrigation equipment.
  • Evidence for previous years’ bonus pay out.
Favourite Digifarm
Visit Website visiter le site web Location P.O Box 66827, 00800 Nairobi, Kenya Get a call back
Farmers access loan facilities on the platform to purchase inputs such as feeds, seeds and fertilizers from the farm depot.
Favourite EXIM line of credit
Industrial Development Bank
Credit facility to support technology transfer to Kenyan enterprises through import of plant, machinery and equipment from India.
200 000 000 KES
  • A duly filled loan application form
  • Feasibility study/Business plan
  • 6 Months Certified Bank Statements
  • Latest Management Accounts
  • Past 3 years Audited Accounts
  • Copies of certificate of incorporation
  • Memorandum & Articles of Assosiation
  • Coies of proforma invoices for the asset being purchased
  • Collateral
Favourite Farm Asset Loan -Asset Financing
Kenya Commercial Bank
Enables purchase of commercial farm machinery and equipment such as green houses, irrigation kits, oil processing equipment, chaff cutters, tractor implements, trucks for transport produce.
250 000 000 KES
  • Past crop production records
  • Projected cash flow
  • Suitable security requirements
  • Must have been in production for at least two crop cycles
  • Past crop production records
Farm Capital Africa Ltd
Channels Capital to profitable and sustainable ventures through Strategic Partnerships supported by Technology to meet the dire need for access to Agribusiness Financing by small scale Agripreneurs across Africa

Financing facilities

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