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Chaguzi za Fedha na Watoaji

Total results: 187

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Favourite Youth Enterprise Development Fund -Constituency Based Loans
Government Development Finance Initiative
The Youth Enterprise Development Fund provides this loan to groups and individuals at the constituency level
Youth, Women, Creative industries Stable business
  • Due diligence and IP ownership
Favourite Working capital Loan
Greenland Fedha Limited (GFL)

Finances land preparation, purchase of farm inputs and implements, livestock feeds, labour finances, business stock, harvest and other agricultural activities. It offers easy and convenient repayment through the monthly pay outs.

Favourite Working Capital Loan
Kenya Commercial Bank
Working capital for Agrovets, Agro-processors, commodity traders (cereals, legumes, vegetables) and traders in livestock
€ 1,866,750
  • Bank statements to establish cash flows (3 months for customers and 6 months for non-customers)
  • Stated experience in farm enterprise
  • Business plan including financial plan –specifying fund utilisation
  • Bank statements
  • Business plan
Women-led businesses
  • Women-led or owned businesses
  • If not an existing client of EcoBank then full Due diligence with busines plans, references, etc
Government Development Finance Initiative
A loan product issued to registered women groups at the constituency level to expand or start new businesses
€ 5,600
  • Must be a registered self-help group of 10 members and above comprising 100% women or 70 % women and 30% men
  • All leadership positions and account signatories must be held by women.
  • Group Registration done either at the nearest Social Services office or Huduma Centre.
  • Groups are eligible for WEF loans three months after registration.
  • Group must have an account in a Bank/SACCO FOSA/Post Bank/Deposit Taking Micro-finance (DTM)
  • Group account must have been in existence for at least 3 months.
  • Groups must be trained in business management skills by the WEF officers as a prerequisite for the loan application.
  • Group registration certificate
  • Group account in a Bank/SACCO FOSA/Post Bank/Deposit Taking Micro-finance (DTM)
Favourite Women Enterprise Fund -Jiimarishe Loan/Sacco Funding
Government Development Finance Initiative
Finances women led SACCOs and SACCOs with a good credit history for on lending purposes. Through a partnership with 13 SACCOS, borrowers access individual loans at a subsidized Interest rate of 8% reducing balance per annum.
€ 74,670
  • Reputable Kenyan SACCO/Co-operative Union/Women owned institution legally registered in Kenya.
  • Evidence of certificate of incorporation/registration. • Valid KRA tax compliance certificate.
  • Valid Trading license.
  • Copies of National IDs and PIN Certificates for all directors/officials.
  • Resolution to borrow in case of a Limited Company capturing amount, purpose, and proposed security (Must be sealed).
  • CR12 in case of a Limited Company.
  • Articles and Memorandum of Association.
  • Contact details i.e. postal, physical and email address of the SACCO/Co-operative Union/institution's headquarter and name of contact person for purpose of seeking clarification.
  • Have a minimum of three years’ experience in SACCO lending operations.
  • Have women- friendly products, offering financial services to urban and/or rural women enterprises (provide list of products & services offered).
  • Must have an appropriate governance and management structure.
  • Their branches geographical coverage/geographical representation by counties and constituencies.
  • Must submit certified copies of audited accounts for at least, the last three (3) years.
  • Provide a summary of their loan book portfolio.
  • Must have a robust automated system for their loan book management.
  • Must demonstrate ability to pledge marketable collateral securities: bank guarantees, fixed deposits and shares listed in the stock exchange.
  • Have Competent Management & Personnel; Management MUST be gender responsive. The CVs of members of the management must be attached.
  • Have sufficient and experienced credit staff; profile and qualification must be availed.
  • Statement of litigation history.
  • Clean Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) reports of directors/officials of the SACCO.
  • License from SACCO Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA), where applicable.
  • Borrowing Powers as approved by the Commissioner of Co-operatives, where applicable.
  • SACCO/Co-operative Union/Women owned institution Registration certificate
  • Valid KRA tax compliance certificate.
  • Valid Trading license.
  • Copies of National IDs and PIN Certificates for all directors/officials.
  • Resolution to borrow in case of a Limited Company capturing amount, purpose, and proposed security (Must be sealed).
  • CR12 in case of a Limited Company.
  • Articles and Memorandum of Association.
  • Must submit certified copies of audited accounts for at least, the last three (3) years.
  • Provide a summary of their loan book portfolio.
  • Statement of litigation history.
  • Clean Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) reports of directors/officials of the SACCO.
  • License from SACCO Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA), where applicable.
  • Borrowing Powers as approved by the Commissioner of Co-operatives, where applicable.
Benki ya absa
  • Secured loans
  • Unsecured loans
€ 22,401
  • The business must be in existence for at least 12 months.
  • The minimum facility amount is KES100,000.
  • The debt-service ratio is 50%.
  • Certificate of registration
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens) / Passport (Non Kenyans) 1 passport size photo
  • Signed Absa account opening pack ( sealed )
  • Residential address confirmation ( name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation
  • Personal return
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
Benki ya absa
  • Secured loans
  • Unsecured loans

€ 89,604
  • The business must be in existence for at least 12 months.
  • The minimum facility amount is KES100,000.
  • The debt-service ratio is 50%.
  • Certificate of incorporation or certificate of compliance if not locally incorporated
  • Memorandum and articles of association
  • Company PIN certificate
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens)/Passport (for foreigners) for all directors (plus ultimate beneficiary owners if company is owned by other companies) and signatories/known agents
  • 1 passport-size photo each for all the signatories and directors/known agents
  • Board resolution specifying the signing powers on the company letter head sealed with the company seal
  • Signed Absa account opening pack (sealed )
  • Residential address confirmation (name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation (can be found in the new PIN certificates)
  • Annual returns (for companies registered over one year ago)
  • Revenue stamp – KES100"
Favourite Trade finance
Visit Website Ingia kwenye tovuti Location 3972 LA Driebergen-Rijsenburg Get a call back
Triodos Investment Management
Provides accessible and efficient trade finance loans up to 70% of the value of export contracts that enables agricultural exporters to pay their farmers upon delivery of their produce.
€ 2,464,110
  • Financially and commercially sustainable
  • Size of the enterprise: minimum annual exports of USD 800,000 or the equivalent in Euros
  • Minimum annual turnover of USD 1,000,000 or the equivalent in Euros
  • Three years of track record in export
  • Sustainability certification (such as organic, fair trade, Utz, and Rainforest) or a conversion plan in place.
Access Bank (Kenya) Plc

Pre-shipment and post shipment financing

€ 22,401
  • Channel farm sales proceeds directly to Transnational Bank or check off arrangements must be in place.
  • A minimum own contribution of 30% of asset value
  • Certificate of incorporation or certificate of compliance if not locally incorporated
  • Memorandum and articles of association
  • Company PIN certificate
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens)/Passport (for foreigners) for all directors (plus ultimate beneficiary owners if company is owned by other companies) and signatories/known agents
  • 1 passport-size photo each for all the signatories and directors/known agents
  • Board resolution specifying the signing powers on the company letter head sealed with the company seal
  • Residential address confirmation (name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation (can be found in the new PIN certificates)
  • Annual returns (for companies registered over one year ago)
  • Revenue stamp – KES100
Gives producer organisations and SMEs access to affordable financing which allows the organisations to better finance the purchase and processing of their products, which enables them to sell at better prices and under better conditions. Finances sustainable value chains in coffee, cocoa, honey, cotton, spices, nuts, peppers, soya and canned and dried vegetables. In addition we finance fixed assets, such as the extension of production lines.
  • Finances the missing middle - organisations that are not eligible for financing by microfinancing organisations or commercial banks.
  • The focus lies on the financing of farmer producers cooperatives
Favourite The Kenya Planters Cooperative Union (KPCU) -Cherry advance levy fund
Government Development Finance Initiative
The cherry advance levy fund will finance farmers’ working capital as they wait for their earnings from coffee marketers.
Favourite The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)
International Fund for Agriculture Development
The ABC Fund is a blended-finance impact fund which provides catalytic financing to underserved yet profitable segments of agribusiness value chains in developing countries. The Fund is managed by Bamboo Capital Partners together with Injaro Investments as advisor and lead for direct lending in Africa. Agriterra manages the Technical Assistance Facility. The ABC Fund was initiated by the International Fund for Agricultural Development in partnership and with funding from the European Union, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, the Luxembourg Government and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.
€ 746,700,000
  • Funding to legally registered SME, cooperatives or farmers’ organizations
Favourite Supply Chain Financing
Cooperative Bank of Kenya
A solution to MSME Anchor customer to pay the suppliers upon delivery and submission of invoices.
  • For limits up to 2M –Chattels i.e. Motor vehicle discounted at 150%
  • Cash and Land for exposures above 2M
Kenya Commercial Bank
An Agribusiness loan designed for crop farmers who do not have contracts with reputable off takers. The loan gives farmers flexibility of repayment cycles designed to correspond to the respective crop seasons.
€ 14,934
  • Past crop production records
  • Projected cash flow
  • Suitable security requirements
  • Must have been in production for at least two crop cycles
  • Past crop production records
Favourite Strategic Partnership
Industrial & Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC)
The facility allows ICDC and one or more parties to participate for a specified period of time in expansion or restructuring of an existing enterprise by taking up shareholding. Maximum ICDC shareholding: 35%
  • A detailed Business Plan or Feasibility Study
  • Letter of offer to ICDC for an equity stake in the company/business
  • Executed Board Resolution for the offer
  • Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association
Favourite Spark Fund II
Visit Website Ingia kwenye tovuti Location P.O Box 66827, 00800 Nairobi, Kenya Get a call back

Grow a portfolio of strategically-aligned tech-enabled start-ups for deeper commercial partnership and/or acquisition by Safaricom whilst Transforming Lives.
he fund will be made available to tech-enabled start-ups as an enabler in the verticals; Agriculture; Education; Healthcare;

€ 3,733,500
  • Kenyan presence
  • A Core diverse skilled team
  • Refined Working mobile based product/service
  • Commercially viable business model
  • Active user base
  • Generating revenues
  • Partnership with Safaricom signed or being discussed
  • Raising equity or quasi equity

Application process:

The Fund Manager is S&B Ventures, based in Kenya, who will source deals, perform due diligence and recommend the investments.

A short term credit facility to finance production inputs and associated costs to medium and large scale Seed Grower Farmers.
  • An active Equity Bank account holder or willing to open and operate an account with Equity Bank (K) Ltd.
  • Demonstrate ability to repay.
  • At least one-year experience in commercial seed growing, or one successful production cycle (this need to be evidenced by proof of the past sales records & receipts, previous banking history, or recommendation from Kenya Seeds Company, or any other seed multiplication contracting company.).
  • At least 2 acres of seed production land.
  • Ability to contribute 30% of the total production cost (either cash or in kind).
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycle.
  • Provide signed seed production contract with the contracting company.
  • Equity Bank statement
  • Past sales records & receipts, previous banking history, or recommendation from Kenya Seeds Company, or any other seed multiplication contracting company.
  • Commitment to contribute 30% of the total production cost (either cash or in kind).
  • Title deed or a valid lease agreement covering at least one future production cycle (at least 2 acres)
  • Signed seed production contract with the contracting company.
Access Bank (Kenya) Plc
  • LPO Financing
  • Building Stock
  • Payment to creditors
  • Business cash flow needs
  • Production Loan
  • Export Packing Credit Loans
€ 22,401
  • Unsecured KES 20,000 to KES 100,000
  • Easy collateral KES 100,000 to KES 1,000,000
  • Standard collateral > KES 1,000,000
  • Certificate of incorporation or certificate of compliance if not locally incorporated
  • Memorandum and articles of association
  • Company PIN certificate
  • National identification card (for Kenyan citizens)/Passport (for foreigners) for all directors (plus ultimate beneficiary owners if company is owned by other companies) and signatories/known agents
  • 1 passport-size photo each for all the signatories and directors/known agents
  • Board resolution specifying the signing powers on the company letter head sealed with the company seal
  • Residential address confirmation (name estate, road and house number) for all directors and signatories (use the attached format)
  • Company physical address confirmation (can be found in the new PIN certificates)
  • Annual returns (for companies registered over one year ago)
  • Revenue stamp – KES101
Standard Bank Kenya

SME Bizna loan is designed with the needs of small business people in mind to supply them with a short-term financing facility for working capital needs

€ 22,401
  • Duly constructed business financial statements for at least 12 months
  • Certified 12 month bank statements
  • Business Licences
  • Minimum of 3 years trading history within local markets to support loan amounts
Favourite Root Capital
Root Capital
We focus on financing for agricultural businesses, cooperatives and related enterprises
  • Years in Operation: 3 years of business operations. We focus on financing for agricultural businesses, cooperatives and related enterprises. We do not lend directly to individual farms.
  • Minimum Annual Revenue: $250,000
  • Location: Must be legally established in one of Root Capital’s lending countries within Africa, Latin America, or Southeast Asia (see sidebar).
  • Documentation: Must present audited or management-prepared financial statements from the past three years.
  • Products & Services: Must be active in one or more of our focus industries: coffee, cocoa, honey, tree nuts, vanilla, grains, oilseeds, and other staple crops.
  • Commercial Relationships: Must have strong relationships with established buyers and at least two professional references.
Industrial & Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC)
The product enables ICDC to finance companies which have a strong growth potential and a demonstrated ability to earn solid profit margins but lack security to offer for a loan. The product therefore has both debt and equity features. Maximum ICDC shareholding: 35%
  • A detailed Business Plan or Feasibility Study
  • Letter of offer to ICDC for an equity stake in the company/business
  • Executed Board Resolution for the offer
  • Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association
Industrial Development Bank
Financing between 60 – 70% of total project cost
€ 1,493,400
  • A duly filled loan application form.
  • Feasibility study/ business plan
  • Memorandum and Articles of association.
  • Project cost estimates
  • Financing plan
  • Audited accounts for 3 years for the existing business or related business.
  • Bank statements for 3- 6months
  • Collateral
Favourite Nafaka Biashara Loan
Sumac Microfinance Bank
An agriculture product tailored to supply finances to farmers who are facing collateral constraints; able to accommodate a number of agricultural activities involving cereals like wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, millet, barley, beans, coffee etc. The loan is meant to help farmers meet their post-harvest credit needs; Purchase seed and farm implements, land preparation and land leasing; The loan is available to all business persons involved in transportation and distribution of goods, specialized services like construction, sinking bore holes, car hire, farmers etc.
€ 37,335
  • Stock Insurance Cover – Stock insurance facility for stocked commodities
  • Warehouse receipt from the cereals board (Original)
  • A duly signed verification form indicating authenticity of the warehouse receipt (signed and stamped by an authorized officer of the concerned cereals board)
  • Signing of the verification form should be witnessed by a commissioner for oath
  • Existence of On-going cereals farming activity for at least three seasons
  • Two previous consecutive warehouse receipts
  • 6 months Certified bank statement
  • ID and PIN copies
  • 2 passport size photos (colour)
  • Lease agreement of the land if leased or copy of the title deed if owned
  • Evidence of other income generating activity
Century Microfinance Bank
Finance asset acquisition
Finance small and medium agricultural producers and micro agriculture-based entrepreneurs/agro-traders.
€ 3,734
  • Equity Bank account holder for at least 12 months
  • Be in commercial farming for at least two (2) successful seasons/cycles and good knowledge of the market.
  • Possess relevant licensing especially for agro-traders and processors.
  • Demonstrable sources of income for loan repayment.
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership for production or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons/cycles.
  • Farming project to be financed must be within a radius of maximum of 30kms from the branch and easily accessible to the bank officials
  • 12 month Equity Bank account statement
  • Documentary evidence of relevant licensing especially for agro-traders and processors.
  • Title Deed or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons/cycles.
Favourite Mazao Weekly & Monthly Loan - Agricultural Loan
Century Microfinance Bank
Financing Farm input and Dairy improvements.
€ 7,467
  • Kenyan Citizen, over 18 years & National ID Card,
  • Lease agreement,
  • KRA PIN certificate,
  • Passport Photograph (for first loans only.)
  • 10% compulsory savings,
  • Demonstration of ownership of rights to use land.
  • Livestock and crop insurance
  • National ID Card
  • Title Deed or lease agreement
  • KRA PIN certificate
  • Photograph (for first loans only.)
Jitegemea Credit Scheme
This is an agribusiness product which aims at supporting farming as a business.
Century Microfinance Bank
Advance payout to farmers for upto 80% of the value of the produce delivered to a bulker, producer co-operative, exporter or processor.
  • The buyer commits to release the payment to the farmer after 30 – 45 days through Century Microfinance Bank.
  • Buyer and farmer operate accounts with Century Microfinance Bank
  • Advance payment request
Kenya Commercial Bank
Access seasonal loans of up to 70% financing on your total tea delivery for farm inputs, working capital and farm development.
  • Banking relationship with KCB for at least 3 months
  • Tea factory membership registration details
  • KCB Bank account statement
  • Tea factory membership documentation
Family Bank
Financing WASH needs -e.g. rain water harvesting, water storage, water distribution, borehole construction and dressing, construction of domestic and commercial biogas plants, improvement of sewerage and reticulation systems, etc.
  • Minimum own contribution of 20% of total cost
Family Bank
Acquire farm inputs and equipment, livestock feeds, labour costs, school fees
  • Applicant must have delivered tea to either KTDA or other listed private tea factories
  • 3 latest tea delivery receipts
  • Bonus receipt of the previous year
  • Original and copy of national ID
  • Signed irrevocable letter of undertaking/assignment form and guarantor form (where applicable)
Cooperative Bank of Kenya
Allow a business to withdraw from their current account beyond zero to a limit prior agreed with the bank
€ 37,335
  • Based on your level of business and security that you provide
Facilitate farm developments such as construction of farm houses, zero grazing yards and biogas plants; purchasing of motor vehicles and land etc. and to meet social development needs.
€ 7,467
  • Targets farmers operating monthly remittance accounts with Equity Bank i.e. tea and dairy farmers.
  • Equity Bank account holders for a minimum period of three (3) months
  • At least one-month remittance through the Equity Bank account and to provide a three (3) years account statement from your previous bankers.
  • Demonstrable ability to repay the loan.
  • Three most recent payslips.
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons.
  • Present evidence of the subject to be financed such as pro forma invoices, bills of quantity etc
  • Equity Bank account statement
  • Three most recent payslips.
  • Land Title or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons.
  • Present evidence of the subject to be financed such as pro forma invoices, bills of quantity etc.
Favourite Kilimo Bora Loans -Green house farmers kit
Visit Website Ingia kwenye tovuti Location Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya Get a call back
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank
Financing farmers to acquire greenhouses and irrigation kits
  • Experience in crop farming
  • Have sufficient supply and storage of water.
  • Willing to perform soil testing before loan approval.
Favourite Kilimo Bora Loans -Agro-dealer financing
Visit Website Ingia kwenye tovuti Location Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya Get a call back
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank
Financing agro-dealers involved in agricultural value-chains, such as agro-vets, farm produce marketers, traders and processors.
  • Have an existing agriculture input or output trade or service business.
Favourite Kilimo Biashara Loan -Small Scale
Financing the purchase of farm inputs such as certified seeds fertilizers, chemicals and machinery, the hiring of labour and harvesting costs.
€ 747
  • Active with Equity Bank account holder.
  • Timely loan application (preferably one month before the setting in of planting season).
  • Demonstrable loan repayment ability.
  • Attend weekly group meetings as stipulated in the agriculture group lending policy (for borrowers under this category).
  • A commercial farmer with farming experience of at least one (1) successful season.
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons.
  • Obtain quotations/pro-forma invoices for the inputs to be financed.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the market for the commodity being financed.
  • Equity Bank account statement.
  • Documentary evidence of farm ownership or a valid lease agreement covering at least two future seasons.
  • Quotations/pro-forma invoices for the inputs to be financed.
  • Collateral documentation –chattels or conventional securities.
Favourite Kilimo Biashara Loan -Agribusiness
Finance working capital and operational needs of value chain players in the business of manufacturing, stocking, importing, exporting and selling agricultural inputs and equipment.
  • Bank account holder.
  • Document the loan purpose - working capital and operational needs.
  • Demonstrable ability to repay the loan.
  • Posses relevant business licenses, such as License by KEPHIS (Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service) and PCPB (Pest Control Products Board) for stockists already in Agri-business (business existence of 1 year).
  • Bank statements.
  • Business licenses, such as License by KEPHIS (Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service) and PCPB (Pest Control Products Board) for stockists already in Agri-business (business existence of 1 year).
Favourite Kilimo Biashara Loan
Sumac Microfinance Bank
An agriculture flagship product which is able to fund a number of agricultural activities including purchasing livestock, animal feeds and growing of horticultural crops
€ 2,240
  • Existence of On-going agribusiness project
  • Open Sumac savings account
  • 6 months certified bank statement
  • ID and PIN copies
  • 2 passport size photos (colour)

Family Bank
Working capital to purchase stock and/or farm inputs e.g. certified seed, fertilizer and chemical applications
  • Enterprises/dealers trained & certified through AAK, AGMARK or other Ministry of Agriculture approved program
  • Business should have been in operation for at least 12 months
  • Training certificate from AAK, AGMARK or other Ministry of Agriculture approved program
Favourite Kenya Climate Ventures (KCV)
Kenya Climate Ventures (KCV)
Accelerates the development of the clean-technology by making patient-capital commercial investments in small to medium early-stage enterprises that are focused on the clean-technology, agribusiness, and water management sectors.
€ 246,411
  • Have innovative approaches to tackling pressing social challenges including environment and sustainability, employment, and economic wellbeing.
  • Flexibility about type of organization.

A savings and loan service that enables M-PESA customers to save as little as Kshs. 1, and access credit from Kshs. 100 from KCB
€ 7,467
  • M-Pesa account
  • M-Pesa account

Vyombo vya fedha

Lango la Fedha linakupa orodha ya bure ya vyombo vingi vya fedha vinavyopatikana kwa MSMEs. Inakuwezesha kuchuja vyombo vinavyolingana na mahitaji yako na kubofya kwenye kurasa za wa -fadhili za Mtandao au maelezo ya Wakala wa Mawasiliano ili kujua zaidi na kuomba.

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